Stage 1
Stage 1: Start Here
By the time your teen has completed the necessary work prior to their first behind-the-wheel lesson, they’re going to be itching to start the car and begin driving around the parking lot. More...
Stage 1: The Chalk Lesson
This simple exercise clearly illustrates to your teen the vast area immediately around the car that is invisible from the driver’s seat. More...
Stage 1: Yes, you must remind them to wear a seat belt.
It’s a fact that wearing a seat belt drastically increases the chance of survival during a car crash. However, teens continue to choose to not wear their seat belt. Explore the startling statistics, the psychology of not wearing a seat belt, and what you can do to get your teen to wear one. More...
Stage 1: The Pivot Method
Mastering the pivot method ensures smooth braking and accelerating. More...
Stage 1: Steering Methods
Learn the hand-to-hand and hand-over-hand steering methods. Also explore the variety of steering no-no’s. More...
Stage 1: Become a Parking Expert
Learn the appropriate steps for successfully parking in perpendicular and angled parking spots. More...
Stage 1: Tire Talk
Your tires are the only link between your car and the road. Therefore, the health of your tires is essential to safe driving. This article teaches you how to ensure your tires are in good working order. More...
Stage 1: Become a Smooth Operator
Use these exercises to make your teen a master of the pedals. Smoothing accelerating and smooth braking are keys to safe (and whiplash-free) driving. More...
Stage 1: Turning
Many new drivers, when making right turns, tend to overturn. On left turns, they tend to do just the opposite. Practice slow, wide turns in the parking lot in this lesson. More...
Stage 1: Checklist
Use the checklist to find out if it is time to move on to Stage 2 of the Driver Training Program. More...